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Displaying items by tag: thinning hair dallas

Everyone loses hair daily, and it is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs each day as our hair goes through its cycles and new hair replaces lost strands. Nevertheless, as we age, the scalp produces fewer hairs, and the hair strands become thinner. Also, some people lose hair due to genetic or health reasons. 

Although we cannot change our genes, and some medically-related hair loss can’t be reversed, there is much we can do to improve the look of fine and thinning hair. Some solutions can be long-lasting, such as serums, hair transplants, and laser therapy and their results can be excellent, even though they might take some time to make a full effect. But there are DIY ways to disguise thinning hair and achieve a fuller and healthier look.

One of the easiest and fastest solutions to create a fuller look is getting a short and layered haircut which will usually result in a healthier and more voluminous look. Another solution is getting some light color or highlights. Hair color swells the hair cuticle and lends hair more volume and a tone a few shades lighter than your natural one will disguise parting that has become too wide or patches of scalp.

Using a volumizing shampoo that does not contain sulfates, as well as a volumizing mousse or spray when styling are also good ways of helping fine hair look thicker and fuller. Remembering to use a round brush, blow drying hair in the opposite direction of the way it falls naturally helps with volume too.

Hair fibers, which are tiny pigmented cellulose threads, can be applied to large hair parts. These fill the gaps in a natural looking way as they bond to the hair resulting in a thickening effect. Choose a plant-based formula that will be gentle to the scalp.

And a little piece of additional advice to save your strands: wash your hair every two days to avoid product buildup, avoid very hot showers and scorching blow drying temperatures, and eat a healthy protein-based diet.
Not happy with the do it yourself results? Call us now for a free consultation.

Monday, 02 September 2013 19:00

Cosmetic Reconstruction


Cosmetic Reconstruction: What Is It and What Can It Do for You?

 According to the American Hair Loss Association, hair loss affects nearly 85% of men by the time they’re 50. Women, though less likely to make their hair loss known, make up 40% of hair loss sufferers across the country. Fortunately, there are solutions. Hair systems are nonsurgical replacements for hair that help men and women regain the self-confidence that comes with a full head of hair.Available at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction (ACR) is a hair system that is custom-designed for both men and women. This system utilizes the greatest innovations and advancements in hair replacement technology. Created to fit your hair loss needs, ACR can restore your hair to its original condition.