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The Art and Science of Hair Replacement

When we speak of “hair replacement,” we are speaking of a specific non-surgical hair loss solution. When we speak of “hair restoration,” we are speaking of a specific surgical hair loss solution, also known as “hair transplant surgery.” Though the two terms are often used interchangeably in the hair loss industry, they are absolutely two different solutions.

Also known as non-surgical “hair systems,” these high-end toupees are typically comprised of some sort of extremely durable mesh base that is colored to match your skin tone. High-end European hair (or Asian hair for Asian clients and Indian hair for Indian clients) is tied to this mesh base using special knotting techniques that not only fasten the hair to the base, but also allow the knots to disappear on the base giving the illusion of growing hair.

Once the hair is tied, the knots are sealed at the bottom of the mesh base to discourage the knots from unfastening and causing excess hair to fall out. The hair is generally the same color as the client’s own hair, but sometimes the hair on the hair system must be colored to match.

Prior to creating the hair system, a specially trained designer will take a mold of the client’s head. In designing the hair system, they take into account age-appropriate recession of the hairline, the hairline itself, cowlicks, and part. A hair sample is taken to match color.

Designing and producing a non-surgical hair system – a hair replacement solution – takes skill and artistry. It has to be perfect in order to blend in with a client’s existing hair. An entirely separate level of creative artistry comes into play when the hair system is “cut in,” meaning when the hair system is adhered to the client’s head. The hair system is adhered by either liquid or tape adhesive, or clips.

It is up to the talented and creative stylist to attach it to the client’s head and to style the hair system so that it perfectly blends in with the client’s existing hair. At this point, it makes little difference how good a hair system is produced, and to what specifications, if this last step isn’t done correctly.

At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we have mastered all steps in non-surgical hair replacement. We want to replace the hair on your head exactly as it was before you lost it.

Call us now for a FREE consultation! Get your life back!