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Displaying items by tag: Alopecia

Sunday, 02 April 2017 19:00

Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self Inflicted

Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self-Inflicted

Easy Does It - hairstyles like cornrows or too-tight braids can cause hair loss called traction alopecia.

All of the things women do to manipulate their hair -- dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, blow dryers, and flat irons -- can result in damage and breakage, Roberts says. This includes brushing too much and towel drying aggressively when the hair is wet.

Luckily, for most of these issues, the hair grows back or the loss can be reversed with medical treatments. But it is important to see a professional if there seems to be something wrong, because the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances are for improving your growing season.

Here at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Ft. Worth, our hair restoration specialists offer a number of treatment options to fit your specific needs. From hair regrowth for women, hair transplants, chemotherapy wigs, and laser hair therapy—we are your number-one resource for hair replacement services in the Dallas and Ft. Worth areas. 

Call us now for your free consultation (800) 339-4247

Sunday, 02 October 2016 19:00

Rosemary & Sage: Not Just for Cooking Anymore

Rosemary & Sage for Hair Growth

Hair loss is a common condition among women and men of all ages. One of the most common varieties is alopecia--a form of hair thinning or loss. Alopecia causes patches of hair to fall out, specifically from one's scalp. Alopecia differs from male pattern baldness, which, as its name implies, only affects men. Thankfully, there are many treatments for hair loss that don't require expensive store-bought chemicals.

Did you know that rosemary and sage have been shown to benefit people with alopecia? It's true--these herbs are commonly used in cosmetics and numerous hair care products. If you're currently suffering from hair loss, sage and rosemary might be just what the doctor ordered.

Rosemary's Hair Growth Benefits

Rosemary is a popular herb with a distinct flavor, but it's also widely used in consumer products. Historically, rosemary has been used to treat a variety of ailments and health concerns, such as respiratory conditions, menstrual cramps, kidney colic, and, as we said before: hair growth.

Its active chemicals, caffeic and rosmaricinic acid, were shown by a double-blind trial published in the "Archives of Dermatology" to be effective, safe methods to combat alopecia. 44% of the study participants who used rosemary oil to massage their scalps everyday achieved significant hair growth.

Sage and Hair Renewal

Sage gives sausage and stuffing their distinct flavors, but sage is another herb that is commonly used in cosmetics, and specifically in hair care. In addition to being an effective dandruff control method, sage can prevent hair loss and even stimulate new growth. Its effectiveness in this area is related to sage's high levels of nutrients, including Vitamins A, B, and C.

Incorporating Sage & Rosemary

It's easy to incorporate these herbs into your diet--rosemary makes an excellent addition to pasta sauces, as well as rubs and seasonings for meat. Sage has a more distinct flavor, one that combines particularly well with poultry.

Another way to experience the hair growth benefits of rosemary and sage is to emulsify a handful of the herbs into a small amount of olive oil. Simply apply the oil to the affected areas, gently massaging the oil into parts of your scalp on which you've experienced hair loss. The effects aren't immediate, but if you keep applying the oil to your scalp, you'll be amazed by the results.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013 18:28

The Real Facts About Hair Loss

The Real Facts About Hair Loss

Hair Loss Myth: Hair loss is inherited from your father.
Fact: Genes from parents are a factor. Androgenetic alopecia is genetically-linked hair thinning.

Hair Loss Myth: Female pattern hair loss causes abnormal bleeding.
Fact: Menstruation is not affected. Hair loss typically begins between the ages of 12 and 40.

Hair Loss Myth: Extensive hormonal evaluation is required.
Fact: Hormonal evaluation is only required if the patient is also experiencing irregular periods, infertility, hirsutism, cystic acne, virilization, or glactorrhea. Androgenetic alopecia usually doesn't cause menstrual issues or interfere with pregnancy or endocrine function.

Hair Loss Myth: Teasing, using hair color, other products, or frequently washing hair increases hair loss.
Fact: Normal hair care doesn't affect hair loss. The only drug approved for promoting hair growth in women is Minoxidil.

Hair Loss Myth: Pluck One Grey Hair And Two Grow Back
Fact: Pulling out grey hairs won't make more grow back.

Hair Loss Myth: Over-Shampooing Can Make You Lose Hair
Fact: Each day 100 to 200 hairs shed and these hair follicles are replaced by other hair follicles entering the growth phase.

Hair Loss Myth: Standing On Your Head Makes Your Hair Grow
Fact: Hair loss is not a blood flow problem, but instead can be caused by other factors like age and genetics.

Hair Loss Myth: There's No Cure For Baldness
Fact: While there is no "miracle cure" there are certainly many treatments like government-approved drugs, laser therapy procedures or hair transplants. Let us help you find the right procedure for you.

Hair Loss Myth: Hats Can Cause Baldness
Fact: Keep your hat on. Hats do not cause hair loss in any way or form. Period.

Hair Loss Myth: You Can Grow Back Dead Follicles
Fact: Medications or laser therapy, for example, can help hair follicles grow thicker and healthier, but once the follicle is dead and gone, the only option for regrowth is a hair transplant.

Hair Loss Myth: Losing hair every day means you're balding
Fact: It's normal to lose as many as 100 hairs a day. But if you are losing more hair than normal then it is advised to consult a dermatologist.

Hair Loss Myth: Smoothening or straightening can cause hair loss
Fact: Hair care products don't cause hair loss. However, if you notice that you are losing too much hair, it is better to go slow on such treatments as it can aggravate hair fall.

Hair Loss Myth: Massaging the scalp can reduce hair loss
Fact: Blood circulation doesn't boost hair growth. Too much brushing is not good for your hair as it may lead to hair breakage, leading to loss of hair.

Hair Loss Myth: Cutting your hair will make it grow back thicker
Fact: Cutting your hair will not help your hair grow, follwoing a haircut your hair feels thicker because hair is thicker at the base.

Hair Loss Myth: Daily use of blow dryers cause thinning hair
Fact: Too much heat from the blow dryer can dry your hair and cause brittleness and breakage. It will not, however, make your hair thinner.

Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas-Fort Worth has been specializing in hair loss solutions for more than 30 years.

Producing a hair system requires expert skill in the design and production, using only the highest quality hair and the most state-of-the-art technology to create the part, hairline and density that allows a woman’s hair to behave just llike her own natural growing hair. Then, it’s up to our exceptionally talented stylists to apply the solution to the client so that it seamlessly blends with their own hair.