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Hair Loss and the Keto Diet

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Still carrying some holiday weight? It’s almost July! It’s summertime and you’ve gotta get that body in check. And if you’re just now starting, well, you’re a bit late. But it’s never too late to start a good diet! However, many people don’t know that certain popular diets do more than just shed LBs. They can cause you to shed hair as well. It’s crazy to think about, and again, not a lot of people know that little fact. Sure, your body’s looking good for Sun’s Out Guns Out pool time, but you’re scalp is showing too! So let’s talk about the Keto Diet and what you can do to prevent hair loss while working on those not-so-washboard abs. 


The most popular diet fad right now… Keto! The Keto Diet is, in a nutshell, the process of cutting all carbs and sugars, and the intake of high-fat foods.. It’s similar to Atkins and involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. This diet was originally designed to help with seizures in people who have Epilepsy, and was quickly discovered to benefit those with diabetes, cancer, and other medical conditions. Oh, it also drastically reduces weight. 


While you don’t necessarily have to cut a bunch of calories on Keto, if you do, you may see some thinner hair. Cutting calories drastically causes vitamin and mineral deficiency, which is key to having strong, healthy hair. 


During Keto, you may have a protein deficiency that impacts the skin, hair, and nails. You need a certain amount of protein every single day to prevent hair loss. Lack of healthy protein in your diet can cause easily broken hair that is harder to grow. Adding a variety of healthy proteins to your diet can help improve the assimilation of amino acids needed to produce keratin. So make sure you’re getting enough protein if you’re in ketosis, and avoid losing hair with this easy solution! 


So what can you eat a lot of to help prevent hair loss on keto? Well, quite a bit! Here’s a list of food you should make sure you’re eating if you’re in ketosis! However, watch how much of the sugary fruits you eat if you want to follow the diet correctly. 


  • Blackberries

  • Avocados

  • Spinach

  • Fatty fish like salmon

  • Almonds, almonds, almonds! 

  • Red meat, chicken, and pork

  • Eggs


There are so many foods you can eat on Keto, but these are essential in keeping your hair healthy. The mixture of essential vitamins and proteins is crucial in shedding pounds, not hair! 


Not on Keto and losing hair? Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas offers free consultations to diagnose exactly what the problem it! Call us today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Last modified on Friday, 28 June 2019 13:00