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Washing Your Hair with Only Water!

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I know it sounds silly, but there’s an actual thing called “No Poo.” No Poo is the process of washing your hair without shampoo, only using water to clean your beautiful locks! And it’s true, you technically don’t have to wash your hair with shampoo or any products. Think back in the day when nobody had shampoo. People still had ways to keep their hair healthy and oil and dirt free. There are so many No Poo articles out there discussing different methods with steps on how to go about it. This is not one of those articles. This article is to overview what happens when you go with the No Poo method, and discuss certain steps in the process, but not the full process (because there are many different ways).


But why would you start washing your hair with only water? Why not just buy shampoo, the product that is literally only meant to clean your hair and keep it healthy? The answer here is twofold. First, did you see I said “buy”? Water is free. Shampoo is not. And over the course of however long you go with the No Poo method, you can save a boatload of money! Second, so many shampoos have harmful ingredients in them that can dry out your hair or damage it. Water won’t do that. This method has been debated for years, and yes, it’s a bit controversial, but you never know unless you try it!


Some initial tips when you decide to go the No Poo route include starting with dirty hair. The oil buildup on your scalp will be very noticeable over the first few days. So start with dirty hair to get kind of a jumpstart on that process. You’ll need to brush your hair each day to remove oils in the beginning, but you’ll also need to wash the oils off of your hands after using the water-only method. Also, when washing your hair with only water, treat it like you are using shampoo. Rub the water into your scalp, massaging your scalp to mix up and clean those oils up. Again, you’ll notice a lot of oil build up over the first three days, but that will dissipate and decrease in volume over the days and weeks. Another tip is to rinse your hair with cold water to tighten up pores and reduce the oil secretion. It also prevents your hair from tangling!


This method takes time, and you’ll want to bail out. But if you keep persistent and set a future date (like 30 days out) to see if you like the method, I think you’ll love the results. Your volume, shine, and healthiness of your hair will be so noticeable… and you’ll save money! This method is a great way to keep your hair long lasting and undamaged! I recommend you research multiple methods of water-only hair washing, and figure out which one is best for you!


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Last modified on Wednesday, 29 May 2019 16:28