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Protect your hair from chlorine

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There are few things better than taking a dip in the pool during a hot summer day. Pair that swimming pool with a few adult beverages, and you’ve got yourself a perfect way to spend your weekends during the hottest time of the year. The only problem with this is when you get in that cool, heat-relieving swimming pool, you’re risking your hair getting damaged from the chlorine. Chlorine is one of the harshest chemicals your hair regularly encounters in the summer and can cause damage to all kinds of hair. It’s important to take the proper and necessary steps to care for your hair before and after swimming in chlorine. But don’t worry! There’s no need to write off the pool altogether, because we’ve got solutions to keeping your hair healthy and beautiful over the dog days of summer when you’re relaxing on the pool floatie!


Take a shower before going to the pool! Showering before you get into the swimming pool dampens your hair and makes it act like a sponge. If your hair is already damp or wet when you get into a chlorine pool, less of the pool water can penetrate your hair shaft. That means less chlorine can infiltrate your hair and it will keep your hair healthier!


Use an oil treatment! Coating your hair in some kind of oil can prevent chlorine from damage your hair as well. Everyone knows oil and water don’t mix. They’re opposites, and in this case, they don’t attract. So fend off that damaging chlorine with some olive oil, or any of our DIY hair moisturizers in this previous blog!


Don’t be afraid to rock a swim cap! Are they sexy? Probably not. But this is about priorities, and your hair should be at the top of that list. Wearing a swim cap keeps your hair totally dry and it the most effective way to prevent chlorine. It can’t hurt your hair if it doesn’t touch your hair!


And finally, if you decide not to sport that sweet swim cap, and you jump in the water with your beautiful hair at full vulnerability, make sure you rinse off after the fact! When you’re done with the pool, take a quick shower to rinse those destructive chemicals out of your hair and scalp. A quick rinse can go a long way in terms of keeping your hair healthy after chlorine exposure. So keep that in mind next time you hit the pool!


Ultimately, you’re probably going to expose your hair to chlorine at some point. It’s almost inevitable. But making sure you take care of your hair is the best way to prevent it from drying out, cracking, and getting split ends this summer! So be mindful of all the things you can do to keep your gorgeous locks healthy!


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Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2019 12:22