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Is Hair Loss Reversible?

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30 years ago, thinning hair called for shaving your head or rockin’ a sweet combover. But science and technology have come a long way since then. If your notice your going bald, seeing a little more scalp than you’re comfortable with, or notice patchy spots on your head, you might still have hope! Most people think that losing your hair, even with Male Pattern Baldness, is the end of the line for hope. But it’s actually been tested and proven over the years that regrowing hair is possible! You just have to know what to do.


A lot of people just accept it. A lot of people do everything to hang on. Whichever person you might be, there’s hope if you want it. But your hair won’t grow back without taking action. You’ll need to be dedicated, routine, and proactive.


Prescription drugs like Finasteride and Minoxidil are go-to approaches for stopping hair loss and regrowing it. They’ve been clinically proven to actually reverse hair loss in the majority of men, and it’s FDA approved. This is where the dedication comes in. Take pills every day until you see your results, and then keep taking them. But if it works, why not?


There are also hair loss shampoos out there. These shampoos block DHT, which is the hormone that causes hair loss. By blocking DHT, these shampoos stop hair from falling out and make your full head of hair last longer. The routine here is still a routine, but not as strict as using prescription drugs. You can skip a day here and there of shampooing your hair, but the product may not be as effective either.  


Finally, hair laser treatment is an effective way to prevent hair loss and regrow hair. Using lasers, like the HairMax Laser Comb, stimulates the hair follicles, increasing blood flow and circulation on the scalp. Laser therapy can also strengthen currently weak strands and follicles.


If all else fails, you could look into a hair transplant surgery. Not everyone is a candidate, but you’ll never know if you don’t call Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth!


Contact us now for a free consultation!

Last modified on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 11:18