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Your Hair Needs Sleep

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Restore Your Hair with a Great Nights Sleep

Sleep is the body's period of natural restoration. It's a time when our bodies regenerate and repair themselves, so when your sleep suffers, your hair can too! Lack of sleep can stunt the growth of hair and decrease its volume, bounce, and shine – and in some cases, it can even lead to hair loss.

When we don't get enough sleep, it affects the body's immune functions, hormone production, and both mental and physical stamina. Hair, meanwhile, is incredibly sensitive to changes that occur within the body and internal disturbances are nearly always the cause of hair loss.

This leads to stress on the body, and we all know that stress goes hand in hand with lack of sleep. Essentially, sleep deprivation can stress the body to the point of hair loss!

However, there are measures that you can take to help prevent this issue. In addition to getting the proper amount of sleep that your body needs, we also recommend sleeping on a satin or silk pillowcase. Not only will these feel wonderful and luxurious, it will also help you avoid damaging your hair while you sleep by creating less friction.

You can also pamper your hair with a nighttime hair mask or leave-in conditioner to get that extra boost.

If you think you may be experiencing sleep-related hair loss or want to discuss treatment options, call our team of hair professionals today for an appointment at 800-339-4247.


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Last modified on Wednesday, 18 April 2018 20:04