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Myth Busting Summer Hair Hacks

Summertime tends to bring about lots of talk about hair and how to keep it healthy, especially in Texas. The heat can be unbearable, and can send those pesky bloggers (like me) into a frenzy about how to keep your beautiful locks healthy during the dog days.
I’m here to debunk some of the myths out there. SuRprise Sale 56

This is an honest blog and, at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, we only want you and your hair to be as healthy as possible without crazy remedies to heat (or cold). Here are some myths out there that I want to talk about.

Lemon juice
You may have heard that lemon juice is a good way to lighten your hair under the summer sun. While this is somewhat accurate, it only works on natural hair. Not everyone has natural-colored hair these days. In fact, most don’t. If your hair is dyed or highlighted, applying lemon juice will not lighten your locks under the sun… it will turn them orange most likely. So don’t spend big bucks on getting your hair colored only to waste that money and time on lemon juice turning you into something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

Stick with same hair product
So many people tend to stick with the same hair product, especially during the summer. But this may actually be worse for your hair. Your hair and scalp can build somewhat of a tolerance or resistance to the same product, so I highly recommend staying in the same brand of hair products, but switching seasonally. This will give your hair a breath of fresh air, but also keep it in the family of products you currently use without making such drastic changes!

Towel drying causes damage
Rumor has it towel drying hair damages it. EHHHHHH. Partially true. It really only damages it if you aggressively rub the towel all over your head, especially those with thinner hair. However, patting your hair down with a towel after you get out of the pool or shower if perfectly fine! It’s a quick way to soak up some of that water and let the sun do the rest. Don’t go crazy with the towel, but, by all means, feel free to blot that wetness out so you can continue about your day!

Wash your hair every day to keep it clean
Sweat and oils develop more quickly and more severely during the summer. It’s 105 degrees outside some days. Sometimes hotter. I get it. Humans sweat. But some of these oils are natural oils that keep your hair healthy! Washing your hair daily puts stress and strain on your hair and follicles and can actually cause damage. Look into getting a dry shampoo and use it every third day or so. Dry shampoo can give you that clean hair look by soaking up unwanted oils that make your hair look greasy. Protect your hair with a good dry shampoo and thank me later!

If your hair is thinning, shedding, or you notice bald spots, call Apollo Hair Replacement to schedule a free consultation to figure out why your hair is thinning, and to hear treatment options. Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Coming-Out-of-Quarantine Appointments

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’re back! After shut-downs, delays, confusion, and figuring out how to deal with COVID-19, we’re back open and taking appointments. We are following strict social distancing guidelines, including masks, gloves, disinfecting each room between clients and 6-foot seating spacing in our lobby. Until further notice, only clients will be allowed to enter. No one will be able to wait for a client in our waiting room. SuRprise Sale 57

What we offer

At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, we offer free hair loss consulting, then we diagnose and offer multiple treatments to slow down and stop balding and promote regrowth. These treatments include:

Cosmetic reconstruction
Laser therapy
Hair transplant
Topical treatments

Cosmetic Reconstruction

Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction is an extraordinary non-surgical hair replacement solution. It is so realistic that most people can't tell it isn't your own natural hair, even when running their fingers through it! As the name suggests it is entirely cosmetic, meaning non-surgical. At first glance, it may just seem like a high-quality wig or toupee, but it's, in fact, a one-of-a-kind custom fitted hairpiece carefully crafted especially for you using real human hair.


We offer a free consultation in a secure, stress free environment. You will have the opportunity to see all available wigs and accessories and you will be assisted in style and color selection. We have a team of highly skilled, experienced, and compassionate stylists that will insure you look and feel your absolute best when your wig is delivered.

Laser Therapy

Laser hair therapy is the latest non-surgical approach to restore hair. It uses cool therapeutic low laser energy, or “soft” laser light to effectively treat the appearance of hair loss in both men and women. Low-level laser light therapy (LLLT) delivers light energy directly to the scalp, which increases blood flow and stimulates hair growth. At Apollo Hair Restoration in Dallas we use Laser Therapy in conjunction with topical therapy may achieve faster and better results, than treatment alone. If started early enough, Laser Hair Therapy alone may be all the treatment needed to maintain your hair. While individual results may vary, Apollo clients begin to see thicker, fuller and healthier looking hair during treatment.

Hair Transplant

A hair transplant involves removing hair from healthy areas of the scalp where there is sufficient growth and transplanting that hair into the balding or thinning areas. The main advantage of a hair transplant is that it is a permanent solution. The right hair loss specialist is able to recreate a natural looking hairline that resembles how the patient's hair looked prior to the onset of male pattern baldness.

Topical Treatments

Some medications that are commonly used to treat hair loss include Finasteride and Minoxidil. Apollo Replacement Dallas will let you know if a topical treatment is beneficial to you. Sometimes topical treatments are used in conjunction with other treatments for a more favorable result.

If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and are suffering from hair loss, then contact the professionals at Apollo Hair Replacement today. Apollo Hair Replacement is committed to offering the highest quality and most affordable hair thinning treatment options available. Our skilled designers have the best technology at their disposal to give you exactly the look you want. Give us a call today at 1-800-339-4247 to schedule your free consultation!

The HairMax Laser Comb!

Have you tried almost everything to get your hair back or keep it from thinning? Have you used topical treatments, pills, shampoos, and grandma’s secret remedy? Well, maybe you should try the HairMax Laser Comb. The HairMax Laser Comb is a piece of extremely advanced technology that provides some of the best results in hair loss treatment. It can help prevent your hair from thinning, shedding, and even promotes regrowth!

What is it?

The HairMax Laser Comb is just that… a comb. However, between the teeth of the comb lies lasers that are used for low-level laser therapy (LLLT). It’s approved by the FDA as a hair loss treatment, and it has shown proven results in thousands of men and women experiencing hair loss.

How does it work?

The HairMax Laser Comb emits infrared heat into your scalp and hair follicles. The “teeth” on the comb part your hair, allowing the lasers to penetrate and provide direct light to your scalp. The laser energy stimulates weakened hair follicles and increases blood flow and circulation in the scalp.

The HairMax Laser Comb has been proven to strengthen hair follicles, reduce thinning, and regrow hair out of a healthier and invigorated scalp. The growth stimulation is a significant selling point on this treatment, as most treatments are simply preventative, not proactive.

How do you get LLLT treatment?

Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth professionals utilize the HairMax Laser Comb to help both men and women who are experiencing baldness, shedding, or thinning hair. We highly encourage you to call our office and talk to an experienced professional about your hair loss needs to properly diagnose and treat your hair. While the HairMax laser comb is a fantastic tool and remedy for hair loss, there are so many treatments, and the proper treatment is crucial in revitalizing and regrowing your hair!

Call Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth today for your free consultation. Get your life back with the HairMax laser comb!

Dry Shampoo for Summer

Washing your hair excessively can cause damage, dryness, and breakage to your hair shaft and ends. Although it sounds counterintuitive, you can actually dehydrate your hair by overhydrating it. Our hair needs natural oils that we produce on our scalps, and using shampoo every day will likely pull those oils out and remove them, drying out your hair. SuRprise Sale 42

Dry shampoos are an easy way to give your hair a clean look with volume and substance. When you are busy or on the run, or if you’ve washed your hair too many times recently,  the powder (usually starch or talc-based) absorbs excess grease and dirt by being sprayed or sprinkled onto the scalp. Dry shampoos are the perfect refresh for your holiday look adding long-lasting volume as well as texture. However, absolutely do not continue to use dry shampoo more than twice or three times in a row. It can cause damage to your hair if overused. So keep that balance of washing your hair and also using dry shampoo! 

When you use dry shampoo, apply it to your scalp and work it into the roots of your hair by giving yourself a scalp massage. Nothing crazy, just a few rubs into the scalp should do the trick. Let the powder sit for about a minute and then brush your hair and style it as usual! So much volume and such a clean look!

While there are great benefits, there are also some problems associated with the regular use of dry shampoo, as mentioned earlier.

If you overuse dry shampoo, it can aggravate existing scalp problems, such as dandruff, causing them to get worse. So if you have dandruff, be sure to use dry shampoo minimally. 

Also, cheaper brands contain slightly toxic ingredients, while also leaving visible flakes and white powder in your hair. Don’t be afraid to spend a few dollars more on a better brand that’s organic and doesn’t use aluminum, and always look at the rest of the ingredients! 

There’s also a tendency for dry shampoos, (especially the cheaper ones) to dry your hair and scalp out to the point where it no longer looks healthy and shiny. 

And finally,dry shampoo pulls out those natural oils, and the powder can clog the pores. This could slow down or even stop regrowth.  

At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.

We offer free consultations to diagnose your hair and scalp issues, and we offer multiple different treatments for thinning or balding. Call Apollo today to get your hair back. Get your life back! 

Protect Your Hair from Harmful Pool Chemicals

Right now, we’re on a “Heat in Texas” theme for these blogs. We’re discussing the negative effects on your hair from the sun, chlorine (from a swimming pool), heat, etc. These are all summer must-haves in Texas. 


Imagine it being super hot on a Saturday, and you want a poll day. It sounds amazing and refreshing, but you need to take precautions to avoid damaging your hair. We’ve discussed how too much sun can be damaging, so maybe throw a hat on when you’re laying out. But if you’re in the pool, the chlorine can also cause hair damage. 


If you tend to get in the pool often, chlorine is one of the harshest chemicals your hair regularly encounters in the summer. It’s important to take care of your hair before and after swimming in chlorine. This doesn’t mean you can’t get in the pool or what you shouldn’t, There are multiple solutions to keeping your hair healthy before and after swimming in the pool! SuRprise Sale 41




You can treat your hair with healthy and beneficial oils that will coat your hair to prevent chlorine from damaging it. You can actually use olive oil, a hair moisturizer, or any other products sold in stores or DIY that helps protect your hair from harmful chemicals. 


Shower before and after


If you take a shower before you go to the pool, or at least get your hair wet, chlorine will have a hard time penetrating the shaft of your hair. It’s not something we think of regularly, but dry hair absorbs water and whatever chemicals are in that water. Damp or wet hair can only absorb so much because it’s already full. If your hair is wet before you hop in the pool, your hair won’t allow as many harmful chemicals in, protecting it in the long run. 


If you don’t shower before, make sure to shower after! Rise that chlorine and all the pool chemicals out of your hair right when you go inside. You don’t need to shampoo unless you want to, but just rinsing with clean water will flush out the chemicals to protect your hair! 


Swim caps


Channel your inner Michael Phelps and put on a swim cap. You probably don’t need it to help your lap speed, but you’ll need it to protect your hair. It’ll be dry and unharmed from the chlorine after you’re done swimming! It’s the best way to get in the pool and protect your hair from chemicals. 

Are you experiencing thinning or shedding hair? Or maybe you’re noticing bald spots on your scalp. Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth specializes in hair replacement and hair regrowth. Call us today for your free consultation. Get your hair back. Get your life back!


Dog Days of Summer

We’re in the dog days of summer now in Texas, which means your hair is going to produce sweat, dirt, oil, and grease. Texas heat and beat down your hair and scalp, causing it to be dry and damaged. However, with the proper care, you can avoid the summer damage! 

Whatever you do, don’t over wash your hair during the summer. That will cause it to dry out even more, much like overwashing a black shirt. It will lose color, small fabrics in the shirt tear, become dingey, and so forth. The volume in your hair will disappear; it’s shape will vanish; you’ll essentially be left with dead ends and flat, dried out hair that’s hard to do anything with. 

I’m not saying don’t wash your hair. Of course we want to wash our hair at all times during the year. But just be mindful of how often you’re washing it. Sometimes washing it as low as once a week is beneficial to your scalp and hair health! 

You’ll also want to wash your hair with the right shampoo and conditioner. There are so many choices out there when it comes to selecting the right products for your hair. Read the ingredients and the labels when you’re shampoo shopping, and make sure there are no harmful ingredients in there. I hate to say it, but the more expensive ones are usually more expensive for a reason. Most of the time, the ingredients are healthier and more natural, ultimately keeping your hair healthier. Don’t be afraid to spend a little bit more on shampoo and conditioner to make sure your hair is getting the best treatment. 

Another thing you should pay attention to over the hot summer days is how much heat you’re applying to your hair. I don’t mean how often you’re outside, but how often you use a curling or flat iron. Turn the heat down a few notches on those hair tools, because higher heat can damage your hair, especially if you’re going out in the sun directly after. Braid it. Go natural. Or even throw it in a ponytail and put a hat on. 

All of these are great solutions to keeping your hair away from high heat and becoming damaged over the summer. But if your hair is already thinning from heat or too many summer days, or if it’s damaged or thinning for any other reason, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth can help you with all of your hair thinning needs! We offer free consultations to figure out why your hair is damaged, thinning, or shedding, and we are here to help you figure out a treatment to get your hair back! 

Don’t wait until it’s too late, call Apollo for your free consultation!


How Bad is Sun Exposure for Your Hair?

If you live in Texas, you’re most likely a pretty big fan of warmer weather and the Texas sun. But sometimes, like right now, the sun can be brutally hot. It emits vitamins into your skin and body that we need to survive, but it can also kill. Sun burns, skin cancer, excessive wrinkling, and hair damage are all negative effects of too much sun. SuRprise Sale 39

There are three types of light waves from the sun: UVA, UVB and UVC.

 UVC rays are the most dangerous, but the ozone layer protects us from those. However, Ultraviolet A and Ultraviolet B rays can cause significant damage to your hair, scalp, and skin in different ways. 

UVA rays have the longest wavelengths, meaning they can penetrate deep, all the way to the center of the hair and your scalp. This causes color fade and damage to the outer layer of your hair. It can dry out your hair and cause split ends and even breakage.,These rays can also penetrate past the hair and damage/burn your scalp. Sunburns on your scalp can cause hair loss and even skin cancer!

UVB rays penetrate hair just as deep as UVAs, but they dry your hair out more, making you lose natural oils that keep your hair healthy and hydrated, and causing damage to the hair cuticle. 

There are a couple of things you can do to prevent these rays from damaging your hair: 

  • Many hair products have SPF ratings that actually protect your hair, as well as your skin. A lot of these include misting sprays and topical lotions that are literally made to block sun damage to your hair. These products will protect your hair from UVA and UVB rays, while still allowing you to fix your hair normally. 
  • Hats, bandanas, light-weight scarves and other coverings are also a good deterrent from the sun and its harmful rays. 

The sun is necessary, but sometimes too much sun can be harmful. Just be wary of how often you’re subjecting your body and hair to the sun and its harmful rays, and be mindful of how you can protect yourself from those rays. 

Is your hair damaged, thinning, or shedding excessively? Call Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth today for your free consultation on what we can do for your hair! Get your healthy hair back. Get your life back!


Hairdos for Rainy Days

Rainy days tend to put a damper on planned hairstyles for your day. You wake up and it’s raining outside, but you have to go to work, school, or whatever you have planned for the day. You may have to change your entire outfit now because the hairstyle you were planning just doesn’t go with what you picked out. But no need to fear, because these hairstyles will help you keep that outfit you picked and also keep your hair from looking like you just got out of the shower! SuRprise Sale 23


Tight ponytail

Pull that hair back nice and tight and let the rest hang! A tight ponytail will keep its form and look classy no matter what you’re wearing. If it starts torrential downpouring on you and you find yourself without an umbrella, it’s an easy fix (if a fix is needed at all). Also, you could not touch it and the “tail” portion will look voluminous when it dries! 


Messy ponytail

You can easily get away with this style in the rain, as well! Leave some bangs down with a looser ponytail. It adds a bit of deconstruction of the tight ponytail. It’s a looser, more casual look, but can be paired with office attire, errand-running clothes, or even a nice dress. So versatile!


Halo braid

Braid your hair into a halo on your head in this casual but exquisite updo. It’s fashionable, trendy, and only takes a little bit of time to look great! This holds up in the rain just like the others, and makes it look like you put a lot of work into your hairdo!


Dutch pigtails

Channel your inner Khloe Kardashian with dutch pigtails! Duth pigtails are two tight braids that look amazing and hold up effortlessly in wet conditions. Your hair needs to be a little longer for this ‘do, most likely past the shoulders, but give it a try with shorter hair as well and see how it looks! 



Putting your hair in a bun is another go-to rainy day hair style. These buns are so versatile, you can do a messy bun, loose bun, tight, bun, and even get some strands of bangs going with this one. Buns hold up well in the rain and go with any clothing you might have picked out! Buns are elegant, sexy, and casual, all the same time! 


Those are the best options for rainy day ‘dos! Try them out and good luck during the summer rain and humidity! Are you noticing thinning hair or bald spots? Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations to diagnose and treat your thinning hair! Call Apollo today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Male-Pattern Baldness

Male-pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) will affect almost 70% of males. It causes hair follicles to shrink over a period of your life, ultimately shedding those hairs and never growing back. This hair loss is due mostly to your genetics and hormonal reasoning, but hair loss can be caused by stress, poor diet, and multiple other health factors. 

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Most likely, if your extended family is bald or has noticeably thinning hair, then male-pattern baldness runs in your family and you’re at risk. Over time, your hair growth cycle essentially begins to lessen and die, shrinking the follicles and producing finer and finer hair until it doesn’t produce hair at all. 


The severity of male-pattern baldness is also hereditary. However, there’s a scale called the Norwood Scale that shows you what type of male-pattern baldness you’re experiencing. Your hair loss can begin in the front toward your forehead or on the crown of your head. Many people think that only the crown balding is male-pattern baldness, but a receding hairline could also be male-pattern baldness. 


Because male-pattern baldness is hereditary, it’s difficult to combat. But there are preventative treatments. 


At a basic level, you can change your hairstyle to cover any baldness or scalp-showing. This is probably the easiest solution. If that doesn’t work, you can try biotin pills that you get over-the-counter and any pharmacy. You can also try minoxidil (Rogaine), which is a topical treatment that you apply to your scalp. It stimulates the follicles and encourages hair growth. Finally, concerning medicines you can take, there’s finasteride. Finasteride is an oral pill that is prescribed by a doctor that helps hair growth by blocking hormones that cause hair loss. There are multiple other treatments for male-pattern baldness such as wigs or hairpieces, transplant surgery, or ultimately just shaving your head. 


At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, we specialize in all of these treatments and counseling. We offer free consultations to diagnose the type of hair loss you might be experiencing and offering solutions that fit your needs and budget. 


Get your hair back. Get your life back!