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Displaying items by tag: Hair Loss in Woman

Monday, 05 February 2018 18:00

Are You Stressing Your Hair Out?

The effects of stress on hair loss
It may seem like your hair is falling out at a rapid pace, and it can be alarming to see dozens of hair strands fall out within a very short period of time. However, it is normal for a healthy individual to lose dozens of hair strands daily. If you believe that your hair loss situation is much more significant than this or if you feel that new hair is no longer growing, you may understandably be concerned. After all, your hair is one of your more noticeable physical features. Hair loss can impact how self-confident you feel and how others perceive you to be. It can affect your personal and professional lives. While there are many causes of hair loss in men and women, stress is a common cause that could be contributing to your current issue. Understanding the stress-related hair loss conditions is the first step to take to restore hair on your head. 

There are two primary conditions that describe hair loss caused by stress. The first of these conditions is called telogen effluvium. This condition is caused by excessive emotional or physical stress. If you have this type of hair loss condition, the hair will stop growing for approximately two to three months. Because new hair will not grow to replace natural hair loss, it may seem like your hair is thinning. Typically, hair will start growing back on its own within six to nine months. 

The other condition is known as alopecia areata. This type of hair loss condition can be much more pronounced. Hair may fall out in patches over a relatively short period of time. It is caused by white blood cells targeting hair follicles. With a serious case of alopecia areata, hair across the entire scalp may be affected. In fact, body hair can also be affected. This condition may improve on its own over time, but in many cases, professional treatment is required. 

It can be difficult to determine what type of hair loss you have on your own. At Apollo Hair Replacement, we understand how challenging it can be to deal with hair loss, and we know that you are looking for an effective way to resolve your issue. We will meet with you personally to learn more about your hair loss issue and to recommend a restoration treatment that may work well for you. If you are dealing with hair loss, now is a great time to reach out to us for assistance.


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Tuesday, 02 January 2018 18:00

Could Estrogen be causing your Hair Loss?

Estrogen is a natural and necessary hormone, but too much estrogen - for both men and women - can cause hair loss. Too much estrogen can cause hair loss and thinning hair. Many times, an increase in estrogen is caused by perimenopause, ingesting or touching endocrine disruptor items and gaining weight. Estrogen affects the hormones, which in turn affect the ability for your hair to grow. You will find that with estrogen dominance, your hair does not grow in strong and healthy. You will also find that the hair that you do have is prone to thinning and starts falling out. 

When people have too much estrogen, they may also find that they have other health symptoms such as weight gain, tiredness and depression. Estrogen is metabolized by the body, which should take care of excess estrogen. The problem comes when too much estrogen is created by the body and the metabolizing process cannot keep up. However, when people have too little estrogen, they find that they experience hair loss and hair thinning as well. You may even see patches of hair loss on your head or experience excess hair shedding, particularly when you take a shower or brush your hair.

To test for estrogen dominance and diminished estrogen levels, an estrogen test can be taken at your local doctor's office. Most tests are taken through a blood test but a urine sample can also be tested for the estrogen level. The best thing to do to help with hair loss caused by estrogen is to fix the estrogen imbalance and stop the hair loss and hair thinning. 

The next step to fixing your hair involves addressing other potential causes of unhealthy hair. Losing weight to arrive at a healthy weight and eating more nutritious foods can make a big difference in the quality of your hair. Choosing quality hair care products is also really important when it comes to improving the quality of your hair. You want to make sure that the products you are using are not contributing to your hair loss and are helping to keep your existing hair as healthy as possible.

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Monday, 30 November 2015 18:00

Menopause and Hair Loss

Menopause and hair lossHair Loss and Menopause 
Menopause is a normal part of every woman's life, but it comes with several unpleasant side effects. One of these side effects is hair loss. All of the hormonal changes can make the hair around your scalp thin out. Losing your hair can be quite embarrassing and lower your self-esteem. Luckily, there are some things you can do to keep your locks healthy and minimize hair loss.

Do not Wash Your Hair As Often
When you are going through menopause, it is even more important to wash your hair less often. Shampooing your hair too often will strip oils from it and make it more prone to breakage. Try not to wash your hair more than three or four times a week. If your locks are looking a bit greasy, just apply some dry shampoo to the roots to give them some body.

Eat the Right Nutrients
To keep your hair healthy and strong, it is important to include the right nutrients in your diet. In addition to protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6 are great for your locks and may even restore hair growth.

Start Exercising
Regular physical activity will not just prevent weight gain; it will also keep your hormones balanced, which is essential for healthy hair. To stick with your exercise routine long-term, you should do workouts you actually enjoy, such as taking Zumba classes at your gym.

Consider Medication
If your hair loss is severe, you may want to consider taking medication. There are certain medications out there that can treat hair loss. Ask your doctor if these medications are right for you.

Think About Acupuncture
If you are open to alternative treatments, you should consider acupuncture. This ancient practice involves sticking thin needles in your skin and may stimulate hair growth. Make sure to go to someone who is licensed in acupuncture.

If you follow these helpful tips, you can minimize hair loss and feel better about yourself again. However, if you are stilling experiencing hair loss, it may be necessary to consider a hair transplant surgery call us for a free consulation.