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Displaying items by tag: hair loss

Sunday, 02 April 2017 19:00

Apples Are Good For Your Hair

Apples are Good for Your Hair 

The apple-derived ingredient Pyrus Malus (apple) fiber is used as a conditioning agent in hair products.Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will help balance the pH of your hair and remove any buildup on your hair shaft. Rinsing will also close the numerous cuticle scales that cover and protect the surface of each hair shaft. The result is a smoother surface, which reflects more light, and so your hair is shinier, smoother and easier to manage. Apples contain magnesium, copper, calcium and potassium. These minerals can help to lower hair loss. 

Vitamin C is Good for Your Hair

Foods rich in Vitamin C help in the absorption of iron, which is essential for healthy hair. The best thing to do is to eat iron-rich foods along with those high in Vitamin C. Good sources of iron are: Liver, beef, pork, fish, leafy greens, fortified cereal, beans, and pumpkin seeds. Good sources of Vitamin C are: citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables, salad, baked potatoes, and tomatoes. Liver, fish oil, eggs and fortified milk are great for maintaining healthy hair

Snacking is Good for Your Hair

Who said snacking was bad? Not us! It is important not to leave it too long between meals. By eating every 3-4 hours can help prevent hair loss. The energy to form hair cells diminishes four hours after eating a meal, so snacking between meals will help boost energy levels.

Apollo is Good for Your Hair

If you are having trouble with thinning hair make an appointment today to meet with our experts and find the right treatment for you. 1 (800) 339-4247

Sunday, 02 April 2017 19:00

Side Effect: Hair Loss

Hair Loss Side Effect

Did you know that many commonly prescribed prescription drugs can cause temporary hair loss or trigger the onset of male and female pattern baldness, and even cause permanent hair loss. Be sure to investigate the side effects of all your medications for hair loss. The drugs below are listed by category, according to the conditions they treat, then by brand name first followed by the drug’s generic name in parentheses. In some categories, individual drugs are not listed. For these conditions, you will want to discuss the possibility of hair loss as a side effect of using any of the drugs that treat that particular condition, since many do contribute to hair loss. 

Note that the drugs listed here do not include those used in chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment:


All drugs derived from vitamin A as treatments for acne or other conditions, including:

  • Accutane (isotretinoin)


Anticoagulants (blood thinners), including:

  • Panwarfin (warfarin sodium)
  • Sofarin (warfarin sodium)
  • Coumadin (warfarin sodium)
  • Heparin injections


Cholesterol-lowering drugs, including:

  • Atronid-S (clofibrate)
  • Lopid (gemfibrozil)

Convulsions/ Epilepsy

  • Anticonvulsants, including:
  • Tridone (trimethadione)


  • Antidepression drugs, including:
  • Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride)
  • Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride)
  • Paxil (paroxetine)
  • Anafranil (clomipramine)
  • Janimine (imipramine)
  • Tofranil (imipramine)
  • Tofranil PM (imipramine)
  • Adapin (doxepin)
  • Sinequan (doxepin)
  • Surmontil (trimipramine)
  • Pamelor (nortriptyline)
  • Ventyl (nortriptyline)
  • Elavin (amitriptyline)
  • Endep (amitriptyline)
  • Norpramin (desipramine)
  • Pertofrane (desipramine)
  • Vivactil (protriptyline hydrochloride)
  • Asendin (amoxapine)
  • Haldol ( haloperidol)


  • Amphetamines


  • Antifungals


  • The beta-blocker drugs, including:
  • Timoptic Eye Drops (timolol)
  • Timoptic Ocudose (timolol)
  • Timoptic XC (timolol)


  • Lopurin (allopurinol)
  • Zyloprim (allopurinol)


Many drugs prescribed for the heart, including those known as the beta blockers, which are also used to treat high blood pressure, and include:

  • Tenormin (atenolol)
  • Lopressor (metoprolol)
  • Corgard (nadolol)
  • Inderal and Inderal LA (propanolol)
  • Blocadren (timolol)
  • High Blood Pressure
  • See Above list of beta blockers under "Heart"

Hormonal Conditions

All hormone-containing drugs and drugs prescribed for hormone-related, reproductive, male-specific, and female-specific conditions and situations have the potential to cause hair loss, including:

  • Birth Control Pills
  • Hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) for women (estrogen or progesterone)
  • Male androgenic hormones and all forms of testosterone
  • Anabolic steriods
  • Prednisone and other steroids


  • Many anti-inflammatory drugs, including those prescribed for localized pain, swelling and injury.
  • Arthritis drugs
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs including:
    - Naprosyn (naproxen)
    - Anaprox (naproxen)
    - Anaprox DS (naproxen)
    - Indocin (indomethacin)
    - Indocin SR (indomethacin)
    - Clinoril (sulindac)

An anti-inflammatory that is also used as a chemotherapy drug:

  • Methotrexate (MTX)
  • Rheumatex (methotrexate)
  • Folex (methotrexate)

Parkinson's Disease

  • Levadopa / L-dopa (dopar, larodopa)

Thyroid Disorders

  • Many of the drugs used to treat the thyroid


  • Many of the drugs used to treat indigestion, stomach difficulties, and ulcers, including over-the-counter dosages and prescription dosages.
  • Tagamet (cimetidine)
  • Zantac (ranitidine)
  • Pepcid (famotidine)


Sunday, 02 April 2017 19:00

Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self Inflicted

Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self-Inflicted

Easy Does It - hairstyles like cornrows or too-tight braids can cause hair loss called traction alopecia.

All of the things women do to manipulate their hair -- dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, blow dryers, and flat irons -- can result in damage and breakage, Roberts says. This includes brushing too much and towel drying aggressively when the hair is wet.

Luckily, for most of these issues, the hair grows back or the loss can be reversed with medical treatments. But it is important to see a professional if there seems to be something wrong, because the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances are for improving your growing season.

Here at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Ft. Worth, our hair restoration specialists offer a number of treatment options to fit your specific needs. From hair regrowth for women, hair transplants, chemotherapy wigs, and laser hair therapy—we are your number-one resource for hair replacement services in the Dallas and Ft. Worth areas. 

Call us now for your free consultation (800) 339-4247

Sunday, 29 January 2017 18:00

Hair on Fire

What does Smoking do to your hair?
Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking affects your entire body, including your hair. The following is a list of the effects of smoking on your hair. 

1. Premature Thinning 
The chemicals found in cigarettes damage the hair follicles on your scalp. Cigarette smoke causes your hair follicles to deteriorate. One result of this is that you can experience premature thinning of your hair and even some bald spots. This damage occurs because your hair can stop growing due to your damaged hair follicles. 

2. Dull, Brittle and Grey
Another effect of cigarette smoke damaging your hair follicles is that while your hair may keep growing, it will look dull and brittle. Your hair will not have any shine and fullness. You can even have premature graying of your hair due to cigarette smoke. By quitting smoking or not starting in the first place, you can reduce this effect and have more healthy hair. 

3. Hair on Fire
Your hair, including the hair on your eyebrows, is at risk of accidentally catching fire when you light up your cigarette. Then, not only can your hair be damaged, but so can your skin and eyes. By not smoking, your hair will not be at risk of catching fire. 

4. The Smell
The most noticeable effect of smoking on your hair is the smell. Your hair will reek of smoke. No one wants to be around someone whose hair smells like smoke. When you smell of smoke, this can affect your both your personal life and your career prospects. Even if you wash your hair every day, the smell of cigarette smoke sticks around in your hair and skin

Overall, smoking has many adverse effects on your body, including your hair. Therefore, when you quit smoking or just decide not to smoke at all, your hair, along with the rest of your body, will benefit. Your hair will be more fuller and full of life because it will not be so thin, dull and brittle. People will not mind being near you because your hair will not reek of cigarette smoke. Most importantly, having hair that is not affected by cigarette smoke enables you to have more confidence in yourself and your appearance.
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Saturday, 19 November 2016 18:00

Could 3D Printed Hair Follicles Help with Hair Loss?

Could 3D printed hair follicles help with hair loss?
Hair loss can be an embarrassing thing. When hair loss solutions such as wigs and toupees go haywire in public, the results can be even more embarrassing. However, a number of companies are looking to change this problem. One such company is L'Oreal, who has partnered with Piotis of France to develop a hair follicle implant procedure similar to 3D printing.

Printing New Hair
Scientists are working to develop a type of laser printing that can create objects of a cellular base. Although it will take a few years to finalize the process, researchers hope to develop a new to replace lost hair. This discovery will help people cope with the emotions of losing hair. As a positive aside, the technology will also enable new follicles to be built for product testing. The research might even contribute to knowledge regarding hair, such as why it grows or is lost. When printing hair is perfected, things like cartilage may very well be next on the list.
Saturday, 19 November 2016 18:00

Arthritis Drug May Help With Hair Loss

Arthritis Drug May Help With Hair Loss
It is estimated that 6.5 million people in America suffer from alopecia areata. This is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Alopecia areata causes a person to lose patches of hair. It can also cause a person to completely go bald.

It can be difficult to treat alopecia areata. Fortunately, researchers have found out that a drug called Xeljanz, which is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, may treat alopecia. There was a three-month study that involved 66 patients. The study showed that half of the subjects in the study noticed hair re-growth after three months. One-third of the subjects were able to recover more than half of the hair that they lost.

The subjects only experienced mild side effects. They were given five milligrams of Xeljanz twice a day. The researchers stated that the results of the study are promising. However, they noted that they do not know how long a person will have to take Xeljanz in order to get results. They also do not know how long the hair re-growth will last.
Thursday, 04 August 2016 19:00

FDA Warning About Wen Hair Products

FDA Warns About Wen Hair Products  

A little hair loss while shampooing is normal, but recently women using the WEN line of hair care products have lost more than a stray strand or two in the shower. These women have reported excessive breakage, burning and balding after shampooing their hair with the supposedly mild brand of cleansing conditioner. What exactly is causing the reactions is unknown to the makers of WEN and, at this point, the FDA.

Wen, the hair care line popularized by Chaz Dean's late night infomercials, has come under fire following more than 21,000 adverse reactions reported directly to the company. Complaints about the cleansing conditioner, which markets itself as a natural, gentler alternative to conventional shampoo and conditioner, have led the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to launch an investigation into the product line. In addition to complaints filed directly with Guthy Renker and Chaz Dean, Inc., the FDA has received 127 independent reports of adverse reactions from consumers.

Reactions have been reported in response to the Sweet Almond Mint, Lavender and Pomegranate formulations of Wen Cleansing Conditioner. The investigation follows the initiation of a class action lawsuit levied against WEN in 2014 that details six women's experiences with the product. These women allege that WEN products caused scalp itching, rashes, hair breakage and the loss of clumps of hair.

The FDA has requested data, manufacturing locations, measures taken to guarantee ingredient quality and recent formulation changes to the product, information which may be useful for its investigation. It is inspecting WEN facilities in an attempt to pinpoint the cause of these reactions. In the meantime, the FDA has advised consumers to stop using WEN Cleansing Conditioner if they experience any symptoms such as rash, itching or hair loss. If you suspect WEN products have caused hair loss of balding, contact the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

"Through this experience, we have learned that there is an immediate need for more education about hair health and common hair concerns in the industry, unrelated to WEN," Chaz Dean Inc. claimed in a statement. "There is no evidence that WEN products cause hair loss and the ingredients and formulations meet or exceed safety and quality standards set by the cosmetics industry. We stand behind them." This reassurance was not enough to satisfy the FDA, whose investigation into the hair care line continues.

Hair Restoration Boost your confidenceHair Restoration Can Boost Your Self-Confidence
Why is hair loss so devastating? Throughout history, society has associated luxurious locks with youth, good health and beauty. And for most people, alopecia or thinning hair can result in depression and loss of self-confidence. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that over 75 percent of males suffering from hair loss are less confident with their overall appearance, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Fortunately, hair restoration can help to improve your self-esteem and ultimately give you the self-confidence you need to enter into social situations without feeling awkward.

Impact on Your Career
In addition to sabotaging your self-confidence, losing your hair can have a direct impact on your level of success in the workplace. Although you know that the hair doesn't make the man or women, many people still associate a thick head of hair with the exuberance of youth. When climbing the ladder corporate ladder of success, thinning hair can make you look much older than you actually are. Hair restoration will restore a more youthful appearance and give you added confidence you need when trying to land your dream job.

The Advantages of Hair Restoration
Just like good health, most people take their locks for granted-that is until it starts falling out. Hair restoration involves a variety of treatment methods and surgical procedure designed to stop hair loss and replace what hair you've lost. If you're experiencing hair loss, it's important to educate yourself completely prior to undergoing hair restoration treatment.

Natural Results
Unlike wigs and toupees, hair restorations procedures such ass laser therapy and multi-follicular hair transplants provide you with natural-looking results that are long lasting.

Dealing with thinning hair or complete hair loss can be overwhelming. At Apollo Hair Restoration of Dallas/Ft. Worth, our highly qualified hair restorations specialists will tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. From hair regrowth methods for women, chemotherapy wigs to hair laser therapy, we are your go-to source when it comes to restoring a beautiful head of hair. Call today for a free consultation at (800) 339-4247.

Wednesday, 04 May 2016 19:00

STOP - You Are Damaging Your Hair!

Hair is more fragile than most people realize. Even though your hair grows 1/4 inch per month, you may not notice this growth if your hair is constantly breaking off. There are a number of ways that you may be damaging your hair. Below is a list of some of the most damaging things that you can do to your hair:

Brushing Your Hair Too Much
You may have heard that brushing your hair constantly is one of the keys to helping it grow faster. However, excessive brushing is actually bad for your hair. It can cause hair breakage. You may also be pulling out some of your hair when you brush. You should brush your hair enough to untangle it.

Brushing Wet Hair
If you brush your hair while it is wet, then it can suffer serious damage. Your hair is most fragile when it is wet. You can untangle your hair after you wash it by using a wide-toothed comb. This will help prevent damage.

Wearing A Ponytail Every Day
When you are short on time, it seems easy and convenient to just put your hair up in a ponytail. However, if you wear a ponytail every day, then you are probably damaging your hair. A ponytail puts pressure on the hair shaft. It can also weaken the hair shaft and stunt hair growth.

Washing Your Hair Every Day
If you have oily hair, then you will have to wash it more often than someone who has naturally dry hair. However, washing your hair every day removes the natural oils from your hair. You should give your hair a break by washing it every few days. You can also use dry shampoo.

Not Using Quality Hair Products
You really get what you pay for when it comes to hair products. Using the right products is essential for the health and appearance of your hair. That is why investing in salon-quality products is one of the best things you can do for your hair.

Setting The Heat Too High On The Curling Iron Or Flat Iron
Excessive heat can damage your hair. That is why you should keep the temperature on your flat iron or curling iron between 250 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit or a low to medium setting. You may have to spend more time on your hair, but it will be worth it.

Solutions for Hair Loss

At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.

We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.

Call us now for a FREE consultation! Get your life back!

Wednesday, 02 March 2016 18:00

What Cigarette Smoke Really Does to Your Hair

Cigarette Smoke and Damaged Hair
Most people are aware of the damaging affects of cigarette smoke when it comes to their skin, but fewer know the affects it can have on your hair. Whether you are a full-blown smoker or just light up on occasion, each puff has consequences. Some affects are obvious, like the lingering odor of cigarette smoke clinging to your hair, while others take time to truly show.

Are You Willing to Risk Your Hair?
Smoking cigarettes has been shown to damage hair follicles in men and women. This damage may be caused by many of the known toxins contained within cigarette smoke or can be caused by the decreased blood flow to the scalp. As the follicles become damaged, they are less capable of producing healthy hairs. This can lead to thinner, more brittle strands. In turn, the damaged hairs are more prone to breakage and splitting. This makes it harder to maintain longer locks, and may make hair appear more frizzy as hairs break at different lengths.

On top of damaged hair, smoking can also lead to premature signs of aging of the hair. Smoking lowers the amount of oxygen being transported to hair follicles. This can cause graying hair at a younger age than would otherwise be seen in a non-smoker.

Can Smoking Lead to Hair Loss?
Smoking increases levels of the hormone DHT in the body. DHT can affect a follicles ability to produce hairs and is considered to be notable responsible for male patterned baldness. Couple the hormone-related hair loss with the loss caused by follicles damaged by toxins and lower blood flow, and you may experience significant reductions in hair growth much more quickly. This may be particularly troublesome for men concerned with premature balding, but can cause a noticeable impact on a woman's hair as well.

No matter your primary concern, smoking will likely have a negative impact on your hair. Whether through premature graying, follicle damage or hair loss, smoking can prematurely age the look and feel of your hair. Add this to the list of known risks and consider it the next time you consider lighting up. Is it worth it?

Solutions for Hair Loss

At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.

We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.

Call us now for a FREE consultation! Get your life back!

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