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Your Ethnicity and Your Hair

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There are three different ethnic hair profiles, each with their own characteristics. They each have their own typical color, texture, structure, and implantation in the scalp. These characteristic differences means that, between ethnicities, hair doesn’t grow, look, or even feel the same across each one.

The three ethnic hair profiles are Asian, Caucasian, and African. Let’s go over each profile’s characteristics and their differences between each other.

Asian hair

Asian hair is usually black and very straight because it grows perpendicularly to the scalp. Asian hair is the fastest growing hair, at a rate of approximately 1.4 centimeters per month. A strand of Asian hair has a somewhat round, even shape, but also has the lowest density of the three ethnicities.

Caucasian hair

Caucasian hair is the most diverse of the three ethnicities in terms of characteristics. It can be straight, wavy, or curly, and its color can be anywhere from blond to black. Caucasian hair grows diagonally to the scalp, approximately 1.2 centimeters per month. A strand of Caucasian hair is oval in shape, and has the highest density of the three ethnic profiles. This means that Caucasian hair is typically the fullest of the three.

African hair

Most often, African hair is characterized by tight curls and kinks. It grows almost parallel to the scalp and has the slowest growth rate at 0.9 centimeters per month. The reason for it having the slowest growth rate of the three profiles is due to its spiral structure that causes it to curl upon itself during growth. An African hair strand has a flat shape, and is the middle of the three profiles in terms of density.

While there are multiple differences between the three profiles, there are also multiple similarities. All hair is composed of a cortex, a cuticle, a medulla, and the keratin protein.Unfortunately, another thing all ethnic profiles have in common is that the general causes of hair loss are universal among the races, and most available treatments can be beneficial for hair restoration in patients with Asian, Caucasian and African profiles.

Are you struggling with hair loss? No matter your ethnic profile, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas can help!

Call us today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Last modified on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 09:33