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Tips for Dry Damaged Hair

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Tips for Dry Damaged Hair 

For some people, their hair is a point of pride, and they turn heads wherever they go. For people who have dry and damaged hair, on the other hand, others might be looking at them for all the wrong reasons. To help you love your hair again and show it off with pride, below are five tips for how you can manage your dry, damaged hair.

1. Get a Trim

Most of the damage tends to concentrate at the ends of the hair. For that reason, getting a trim can freshen up the hair’s appearance and dramatically reduce the extent of the damage. If you are really committed to getting rid of the damage, you can whack off all the damaged hair and start with a clean slate. As an added bonus, you’ll project more confidence with your brand new hairstyle.


2. Moisturize with Healthy Oils

Dry, damaged hair is thirsty for moisturization. Unlike humans, your hair can’t drink water. Instead, it prefers healthy oils. Once a week, coat your hair with mashed up avocado or warmed extra virgin olive oil and cover your hair with a shower cap and let sit for about half an hour, then shampoo and rinse. 

3. Avoid Heat

Until your hair is healthy again, you should completely avoid using styling products such as hair dryers, straightening irons, and curling irons, which can break your already-damaged locks. Even once your hair is healthy again, you should avoid these products as much as possible. Use your hair dryer on the lowest setting, and use a heat protectant or leave-in conditioner on your hair before using styling products.

4. Use Natural Products

You should also avoid harsh chemicals and dyes while you are allowing your hair to heal and use care even when your hair is healthy to prevent damaging it again. Use shampoos and conditioners with natural, moisturizing ingredients like natural oils and ask about gentler options for dying your hair.

5. Maintain Good Physical Health

Ultimately, the best way to keep your hair healthy is to keep your whole body healthy. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and make sure that you are incorporating the proper balance of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients in your diet. When you give your body what it needs, your hair will thank you.

Last modified on Monday, 04 February 2019 17:05